By VedaLynn - 03/12/2012 23:01 - United States

Today, it's my 21st birthday and my dad has decided to take away my ID in fear that if I have even one drink to celebrate I'll become a raging alcoholic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 025
You deserved it 2 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

That's exactly why I'm a virgin to this day. I'm afraid of becoming addicted to sex. Yeah. That's it.

Surely it's your choice if you did drink? Take it back and tell him to get out of your business.


pipc 10

You're an adult, get your ID back.

To everyone saying he can't do that, you're an adult. Please understand that OP most likely lives with their parents. If that is the case op has two options. Follow the rules or be the adult they wish to proclaim themselves to be and move the hell out. If I had ever told my parents I'm not listening to you I'm an adult. I would have come back to a locked house with everything I owned on the front porch with a note reading "have fun being an adult."

Outstanding. Agreed. I'm 25 and have 3 kids. What you said is what will happen if they pull that shit when they're adults. I love them, but sometimes the hard lessons are the best. It's how I learnt.

dakotahulsey 15

it's fyl because you live with your parents still, not the situation.

tnicole94 3

Don't you have to get a new ID when you turn 21 anyway?

You should, since it changes the way they write your info on it, but it is not necessary. I still have my old one even though I've been 21 for almost four months now. It doesn't expire until next year so there is no need for me to change it yet. It just makes it easier if you want to go to bars and buy alcohol.

Um...your 21, he has not jurisdiction over you now. Get it the **** back.

It's all right, honey. Someday, he'll be old, and you'll be the one who decides what he can eat and drink, or whether or not he gets to drive, and what nursing home he'll be living in. ...In fact, you might just want to remind him of that, at some point. In the meantime, well, now you have extra incentive to get out and live on your own, don't you?

I feel for you if you are paying your own way, in your own place, or even living with your folks paying board or whatever, but if you're one of those people who don't leave the nest, then I've no sympathy. I'll be damned if my kids don't respect my rules in my house if they don't move out once they're adults

slice_89 0

Your 21 and still being treated like a kid? I'd piss in his soup and kindly ask for my ID back. If I didn't get my ID back then I would find something he needs for ransom untill I got my ID back!

So, basically, to prove you are not a child, you should behave like a child? Either that, or you were being ironic and I missed it.

You know your an adult, right? So take the ID back