By cookscatastrophy - 08/12/2009 08:19 - United States

Today, in aerobics, while stretching, my friend leaned over to pull the long hair off my pants. It was my pubic hair sticking through my pants, and I screamed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 654
You deserved it 47 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohhh shit...... someone needs to do some waxing. eww thats disgusting.


sweetvonny 0

that's gross, it had to be extremely long to go through the your underwear and pants...i mean were you even wearing underwear? that's ok, i don't wanna know

It was sticking through your pants? What kind of pants do you wear? I call fake on this one. gtfo.

Oh PLEASE, people! Don't attack someone's personal lifestyle choices. THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Grow up. Cookscatastrophy... what was your friend thinking pulling hair off of your crotch area in the first place? Haha.

Kamojin 0

If its posted online for everyone to read, then yes, it is our business!

Darrian 2

Obviously it's time to trim that shit.

not gonna get into the shave/dont shave debate, but your friend needs to learn the definition of SPACE. if shes close enough to see it in the first place, shes too close.

uyou should keep it braided if u ain't gonna shave it

ultraslick 0

Ladies, when a pubic hair can be mistaken for a hair off your head, it's time to do some maintenance down below.

this post along with all the comments made me laugh...I would say just do some trimming. Not everyone has to shave and not every guy likes a shaved area. A trimmed area is most acceptable in most cases since the puffy pube look has gone out with the 70s. I wouldnt say that having hair makes anyone dirty..not washing makes you dirty.