By MissCan'tKeepAJob - 23/08/2011 16:18 - United States

Today, I work by myself at a retail store and I was bored so I called my boyfriend. I woke him up and he was feeling frisky, and as things were getting heated I started to moan and say dirty things. Until the entire rack of clothes fell over and revealed my boss hiding. He had a boner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 119
You deserved it 57 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chinosurferchick 5

Maybe your boss will give you a raise

perdix 29

If he tipped over the rack with his boner, you may want to trade in your boyfriend and move up to doing middle management.


At least you won't loose your job though. Maybe a raise!

xxreikoxx 31

I'm not sure what's more disturbing: you thinking that you could get it on at your workplace like it's your property, or your boss watching with a boner. Either way, you deserved it.