By dusk - 05/01/2012 08:09 - United States

Today, I won a lifetime supply of pineapples. One problem, I'm allergic to pineapples. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 028
You deserved it 4 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Too bad you don't live under the sea. I'm sure there's a real estate market for bachelor sponges.


Why do you think you won a lifetime supply? Because you'll be dead from pineapples within minutes. Win one for the prize selection committee.

Who the **** wins a lifetime supply of a random fruit...who the **** gives it out? So ******* random.

Sell them, give them to friends, or donate them to the food bank. A lot of people like pineapples, so if you can't use them, spread the love. :)

ImSoEffedUp 10

If it makes you feel any better, I'm allergic to citrus and to spite me my family always makes food drenched in citrus based fruits. They say that they won't stop adding that to suit me because I am not letting them enjoy their meal, so I usually have to bring my own food to family get togethers. They've sent me to the hospital a few times when they didn't warn me or forgot to tell me after I ask them if the food has anything citrus based. Thank god I finally started taking my prescribed epi pens or I would've paid more to go to the ER. Sometimes, I hate my family and restaurants who don't listen to my requests

I'm sorry, but how is your pathetic little story supposed to make OP feel better?

autumnisintheair 7

Well, at least you have Christmas gifts for the next couple of years, lol

insanelyXnikki 18

A little more than just the next couple of years lol