By jellyfish_ftw - 15/12/2009 22:45 - United States

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend's crazy ex, who let herself in with her old key. She screamed at me to get out of "her" bed, snatched "her" blanket off of my body, and finally dragged the bed itself out the door. I was still in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 620
You deserved it 3 679

jellyfish_ftw tells us more.

OP, replying. this is my big explanation, so pay attention. the whole situation came about because my boyfriend was trying to keep the breakup friendly since they had a kid together, and he wants to stay in his daughter's life. therefore, he hadn't really made a fuss about making her give back everything of his/take everything of hers. this was also because he didn't fully realize how crazy she was. the ex hated my guts already and we all knew it, and she had made threats to my boyfriend saying things like, "she'd better hope she doesn't come across me anywhere, or i'll kick her ass." the morning of the incident, he had left early for work 45 minutes away, leaving me to sleep in. his ex called him at work telling him she needed to get something from the apartment, which he usually leaves unlocked because we live in a small town. he told her it was locked and that i was there and he didn't want her going over there......which made her insanely angry, obviously. she came over with her old key and her sister (in the sister's van) and started flipping shit. i was asleep, and i don't know about the rest of you, but i'm extremely disoriented and out of it when i first wake up. so all i could really do was stare blearily at her while she yelled and tore blankets off. when she grabbed the bed, i woke up enough to get out of it. she took off with the bed, which was a double-size box-spring and mattress, and dragged it to her sister's van which was waiting outside, and they drove off. when my boyfriend came home and found out the situation, he bitched her out and told her he would do something about it if she ever came in without asking/him being there again. there you go, FML. full story.

Top comments

Jesus, what a psycho. And where was your boyfriend when this was happening?

prttyyngthng 0

What I wanna know is, why did you stay in the bed while she dragged it out of the door?


Ah, I've heard so many storries about my current flings psycho ex... I'm so terrefied that something like this will happen to me. -_-

Igor_g5 0

You can come spend some time in my girlfriends bed. I own it.

weddingbelle 0

It's called changing the locks when you have a crazy ex.

psychoxxxinvader 3

Yeah, my boyfriend has a psycho ex. Ever since he broke up with her she started cutting herself and threatening suicide and just overall looking for attention (I knew the girl personally, she wouldn't do it). And it may seem harsh but I hated the girl with a sick passion. But thankfully, its a long distance relationship and I'm all the way in Romania, so I wouldn't have to smash her head in with an axe if she tried anything.

"smash her head in with an axe"?!? sounds like your bf has a thing for psychos

romanians, i tell ya. am i right or am i right

LMAO, honestly, I would've done the same thing and whooped someone's ass if I found some chick in my bed and using my sheets.

it wasn't her bed OR her sheets. how does the fact that she dated him mean that all of his stuff still belongs to her?

You read grade 3 work but still don't know how to properly spell "hence"?

Quotation marks can also be used to convey emphasis. This is how I believe it was being used here. It is often considered an incorrect use of the punctuation, but it is still often used that way. My legal punctuation book condones the use, however.

so the question now is how much of an ex is she?

So she lifted you, and the bed out the door. Either your a lier - Or she is super-bitch