By Thanks Babe - 20/04/2013 23:40 - United States - Aurora

Today, I woke up feeling awful, having caught the same illness my boyfriend had last night. When he was sick, I skipped my friend's baby shower to take care of him. Now that I'm sick, he goes to a friend's place, says to call if I need him, then turns his phone off. Seriously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 083
You deserved it 7 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks, next time he has man flu make sure you leave his ass to wallow in it!


What goes around comes around; next time he’s sick you go out and leave him to look after himself.

On the bright side you didn't pass the contagious illness to your pregnant friend or her new baby(before or after birth shower??) Still, FYL for having an ass for a bf

1crabbygirl 10

Some people prefer to be left alone when they are sick. Do you know what he prefers, or can it only be your way, where each of you bails on friends to stay home and hold the other's Kleenex box?!

Jerk! I believe you can find a better one.

It was 420 he went to smoke, but i say ydi, i would have chose my friend any day

mercC63girl 6
tehdarkness 21

You shouldn't have skipped the shower for him; he woulda even ok for a few hours.