By drstrnj - 17/10/2009 03:35 - United States

Today, I went to the military base to save $10 on a haircut. On the way out the gate, the glare of the sun blocked my view of a star barrier. Instead of saving $10 on a haircut I now owe a $500 deductible to fix my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 296
You deserved it 9 140

drstrnj tells us more.

so because I am in the Army I can't use an Air Force Base to get a hair cut????

Top comments

There's a lot of people here who have no freakin idea what they're talking about. How does he not deserve the benefits? If he can get on base that means he is 1) a military member, 2) a military member's dependent, or 3) former military. Anyone else needs a military sponsor and a pass that their sponsor must get for them from the visitor's center. They don't just let anyone on base for a haircut. I can see how that goes: "Let me see your CAC card." "I don't have one. I'm only here for a cheap haircut." "Oh. Go right in, sir. Oh, but you should know that since you're not military your haircut will cost $3,000." Morons.


fogrunner 13

I cut my own hair, own no car, and work 4 days a week. Ahhhhh.

If you can't see where you're going, then stop. YDI. Just be glad you didn't kill somebody.

deathhill3 40

So much for a cheap haircut.