By LetsMakeLove - 10/06/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I went to the game with my boss and some people he does business with on his tab. I got so drunk that I blacked out, threw up all over the table, and passed out in the bathroom. I woke up alone with my body reeking of vomit, and no phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 532
You deserved it 76 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zrhcrx 0

it's called learning your limit you still have a job?

damn...YDI for not knowing when to stop. Especially around your boss.


Way to get shit-faced on a company dinner, you ****** amateur.

acoustichippie06 0

You so deserve it, what would make you think that was okay at all?

Oh WHY get wasted out of your brains with your boss there, tsk tsk, very unwise... but yeah, leaving you in that state was not the best thing to do either, I agree. FYL for sure

ChocolatexGames 0

Hopefully you weren't really into either the firm, or the job.....both are Adios amigo for you buddy! Top of the office Xmas Party invite list.......

Dopehead666 21

Silly, you are suppose to let your boss get wasted, not the other way around. By the way... did you get to keep your job?

Icarus3 0

YDI. Grow up already. That sort of behavior is shameful enough in college (where the idiot kids seem to think it's normal, or even something to be proud of) but it's just plain pathetic in someone older than that. I drink now and then, and I'm a total lightweight. But I have never once thrown up or passed out from drinking? Want to know my secret? I know my limit, and stop before I cross it! It really isn't that difficult!