By Nickname - 12/10/2011 20:05 - United States

Today, I went to the emergency room for busting my lip open, I had to lie and tell them I slipped and fell. In reality I was singing with the soap bottle and slammed it into my lip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 758
You deserved it 13 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently you're so bad that the soap bottle told you to shut up.

matt120784 0

Busted lip? Probably a Chris Brown song...


If it makes you feel better the emergency room doctors have probably seen stupider injuries than yours.

Why did you go to the er for a busted lip? Did the soap give you tetanus?

Feedmyaddiction5 14

Must have been one hell of a song

tallgyrl19 9

who goes to a emergency room for a busted lip! if you do not have a life threatening injury do not go. did you busted lip somehow cause difficulty breathing? Did you require the jaws of life? you are the reason why the wait is so long in the e.r for real emergencies

Um, no. If someone is having a heart attack, they do not wait till they stitch her lip up to treat them. A code is called over the loudspeaker and everyone on a team specifically for emergency situations such as these goes to where they are supposed to be. And, you're telling her she shouldn't go get her lip stitched up? If you let something like that go, you could have an ugly scar on your face for life.

caysters 12

People like you are the reason people sit in extreme pain in the waiting room from broken bones... And yes, I have experience.... Use the er properly and we wont have so many issues with health care!

btnhdude 0

Soap dispenser? I read soda bottle. ****.