By Ella - 21/01/2009 17:56 - United States

Today, I went to the bathroom and didn't realize my skirt was tucked in my ugliest underwear until I reached the elevator. Thanks for not telling me girl-in-the-yellow-shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 429
You deserved it 5 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jessica777 0

damn you, girl-in-the-yellow-shirt!

It's common sense that you should check yourself after using the bathroom, especially if you're in a skirt and "ugly undies".


mlgreco 6

she was probally being polite and didn't point it out because it might embarise you.

ReaperUSMC11 5

Sure blame the girl in the yellow shirt. Typical stuck up California girl, everything in life is handed to you do you place yourself over others with your sense of self entitlement

The same thing happened to me at a crowded airport. It's pretty embarrassing, but you only have yourself to blame... you get over it after a few months, but I know that feel bro.

Alex08040214 7

Im sorry i didnt want to embarrass you

JocelynKaulitz 28

Couldn't you feel a breeze?

for some reason I kept reading "sweater" instead of underwear...I was super confused.