By Ravhi Karia - 03/04/2015 13:41 - United Kingdom - Milton Keynes

Today, I went to see my ill granddad in hospital. I saw lots of doctors around his bed, and they pronounced him dead, so I ran out crying. A little later, I found out that my granddad had been moved, and it was a different man in his bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 762
You deserved it 4 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments


This isn't an FML. You were sad at first of course. But then you probably felt so happy you couldn't breathe.

How is that an FML? I would be so relieved and thankful to hear my granddad is alive. Feel for the family of the man that passed away

Oh my god... I cant imagine how horrible it felt. Thinking he is dead...

I think it's more lucky than unlucky that he wasn't dead.

I'm not gonna say you deserve it cause how could you tell with a bunch of people around the bed... But still. It's not an FML technically if your Grandad is still alive

How could you not tell it was him?

How did you not recognize that he wasn't your grandpa???

Elisabetha Aarron 18

How bad was your relationship with them that you didn't recognise that it was a completely different person. That is so messed up.