By Anonymous - 26/11/2013 13:07 - United States

Today, I went to pick up my little brother from his friend's house. When I got there, he ran off screaming that he didn't know me. His friend's parents believed him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 969
You deserved it 3 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

helpfulwhale 12

Then leave him there and see how long it takes for him to realize that his prank isn't the best idea when he can't get home.


Of all the little brats out there, you got the worst type. Good luck OP!

olpally 32

Just leave him there and go home. What a troll.

nishantvas 13

I'm guessing they tried to call the cops

perdix 29

Maybe he didn't recognize you in your hockey mask?

B1ackthesun 31

Is it just me that admirers the friends parents in this FML? They didn't know op, there are a lot of sick people out there. Dick move from the brother being manipulative. But good on the friends parents for trying to protect a child.

I guess he wanted to stay...your drivers license would give the address and prove that you are his sibling (apologies if I messed up)..,

Not necessarily, if OP has a different last name (or they have a really common name) and/or doesn't live at home anymore. We don't know how old OP is or whether they're full-, half-, or step siblings.

His friends parents are idiots. How would you know his name and where he was to come pick him up. All they had to do was ask you a few questions. People are stupid.

B1ackthesun 31

Read some books on serial killers etc. Often they have stalked the child for months and months, are well known to the family (even related!) Knowing a few minor details does not mean you're not a sicko. They where playing safe not being idiots. It's this kind of attitude that can lead to disaster.

justagirl1998 10

Just leave him and go home...then he will realize that the joke was stupid..

Girlie7 11

You should have said "I too wish I dint know you bro...."