By Boo Boo - 22/01/2012 04:23 - United States

Today, I went to get my blood drawn to see how far along I am pregnant. The lady stuck both my arms twice and then busted a vein in my right arm. She told me to come back tomorrow to try again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 109
You deserved it 2 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh make sure you don't get her tomorrow again XD

omfg_creepers 8

That must be "bloody" painful.


jvmockingbird 0

Time to find a new ******* doctor!

I always got creeped out when nurses would compliment my veins, but I guess that's better than this happening. It sucks, OP, and there isn't really anyone to blame for it. Some bodies just don't give easy access to the veins.

broadysgirl 0

When I was in the hospital having my daughter, 3 different people stuck me a total of 12 times and busted veins in both my arms. Sorry for you though.

If anything, ask to get tested on ur back hand. The veins are more visible. The phlebotomists can't stick me on my arm since my veins are small so i would always tell them to stick me on the back of my hand

That1guy2121 1

How could you vote "You totally deserved" it on this post? I mean really lol.

kirklandcn1983 2

I would have put the needle in her eye

that happens like once a week to me. I have crappy veins.

tmarty 17

Ask for her supervisor and see that they give you someone qualified.

Drink lots of fluids before you go! It's so hard to get IVs in ppl that are dehydrated.