By Anonymous - 15/10/2010 23:01 - Canada

Today, I went to class with my bag packed for a weekend trip when it began to vibrate violently. Stopping mid-lecture, the professor approached me and asked politely if I could turn off my cell phone as I was disturbing the other 150 pupils in the class. It was my personal vibrator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 500
You deserved it 47 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You're supposed to take the batteries out when you pack those things! YDI!

Start getting "personal" with it during class. I bet they won't ask you to stop due to disturbing the class then hahaha.

As opposed to your "public" vibrator? Dearie, EVERY vibrator is a personal vibrator.

shortyshort21 0

see ur lucky he didnt ask u to answer it hahaha

That's just sad that you can't go one weekend without it.

doofinsmurf 0
Hect24 0

I wouldn't disrupt your class :) replace it with me

Wow, couldn't make it a whole weekend without your little friend?