By Evan Chong - 13/07/2011 14:48 - Canada

Today, I went to a concert with a friend of mine. When his dad came to pick him up, I walked towards the car, expecting a ride. His dad told me he didn't have time to drive me home. I'm his neighbour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 295
You deserved it 4 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jazziness 12

maybe he had to go somewhere else...


JennaMason 6

wtf? that's ****** ... he's really ******* rude.. slash his tires.

nixter5 18

Try not to cuss so much next time...geez.

He doesn't like you... Slash his tires and throw eggs at his car.

Yeah, there's a way to win your friends father over.

Thats not the kind of person I would like to win over.

Your right, who would want their friends father and neighbor to like him? Especially when he's such a dick that he didn't cancel his plans to give OP a ride home when OP ****** up and didn't actually arrange a ride home and assumed someone else would drive him.

The kind of person who would abandon you presumably late at night when they live right next door and they know you have no way of getting home arranged? You know what, thats perfectly reasonable and because OP made a mistake they should just hitchhike or walk.

And what if they have a plane to catch, someone to see in the hospital, or an appointment etc. If OP was old enough to go to a concert alone he should've known well enough to make plans and not just assume he could figure it out on the spot. Nobody said he had to hitchhike, maybe his parents picked him up. Either way, he deserved it for assuming he had a ride rather than making sure.

I agree the OP should have maybe checked but when I went to concerts (at the age I needed driven by a parent) it was usually understood unless stated otherwise that would be shared between the parents.When I've been driven home by friends parents before (when it was pre-arranged) they have made stops and went to other places on the way. It would have to be an extreme emergency to leave someone elses kid at a concert to wait for someone to pick them up.

As said above, what if they were going to an airport or something? There's just some places you can't bring other people.

As said above, you would think the friends parents would mention they could not give the OP a lift. I think that would be courteous and careful.

JennaMason 6

uhm 'lalala', you're quite ignorant aren't you? you'd think that if their neighbors and he's taking his son home, he OBVIOUSLY has time to take his sons' friend home and if not, he could drop him off at his friends house and he could walk from there. and why the hell would op arrange a ride when both him and his friend are going to the same area ..?

Did you even read my comments? If he didn't have time he probably was NOT going home. Believe it or not, but sometimes people make plans and go places other than home.

talktomandybaby 8

I would of got in the car anyways.

tellis1187 0
sunflower21 0
JennaMarie420 2

It was rude for OP to assume he would drive him home. What if he wasn't going home?

JennaMarie420 2

Then he could just say he's not going that way, not that he doesn't have time. If he was in fact going home then it's rude. Even if he didn't want to take the time to stop at OP's house OP could've just walked home from their house, hence the term neighbor.

hateevryone 14
lemonsquid 6
ACraftyTiger 5