By Anonymous - 27/08/2011 16:34 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to a bar with some friends when my wife texted me asking where I was. Not wanting her to know I was at a bar, I told her I was still at work. She was sitting in the booth behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 564
You deserved it 67 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

glutgyoogle 6

Fail. You better hope she's a forgiving person otherwise I'd get used to sleeping alone. YDI


haha that's why you don't lie to ur spouse ydi

Mademoiselle_fml 34

And that's why you don't lie.

FML_a_Must 7

You see it's men like you that make girls ask so many questions and feel like you're hiding something! Just be honest, also if you feel the need to hide something because the person will have a bad reaction or be upset then it's pretty clear that it's wrong. YDI

maryd195 0

This is why you don't lie to your wife. WE ALWAYS FIND OUT.

Why would you lie about that? If you can't even tell her you're having a drink with some mates, I don't think your marriage is going to work out to be honest... why do these people even bother getting married?

my best advice is to curl up in a ball, and cry softly to yourself.