By hoser - 21/02/2010 10:01 - Canada

Today, I went skiing. Trying to show off to some inexperienced skiers, I flew past them at my top speed, a bracket snapped off my boot and I slid on my face for about 30 metres. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 713
You deserved it 37 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hehe that's what you get for trying to show off.

Ouch. Must have hurt. Its not really your fault though I'd say, it's natural for people to want to show off. There's nothing wrong with it, if you don't take it too far.


I suppose this was at castle mountain? because I was there today.

super_hoser, I'm not sure if you're even around fml a year later, but I will say this: submitting an fml does not guarantee you any sympathy. writing a bunch of defensive, insulting follow-up posts when you don't get cries of, "poor baby!" makes you look like the whiny **** you are. furthermore, having read your first followup where you say the buckle unsnapped, you look like an incompetent, whiny ****...buckles usually don't come undone unless they were poorly set in the first place, and even then, one loose buckle shouldn't have caused you to fly face-first down the hill. in short, stick to the board. it's definitely the best activity for stoners with no athletic talent.

that's what you get for being a show off

Booda13 0

omg haha that's what u get 4 trying 2 show off and r u okay?

Lol FYI losing a buckle on your boot shouldn't do anything to you.....

This is what u get for trying to show off... But that sucks for you and I'm sure that made them feel better about their skills...

I like it when they show off.. Gives me a FML to read and laugh at