By whatever - 09/08/2009 20:12 - United States

Today, I went out with my ex-boyfriend on a date. The night consisted of me sitting in the back seat of his friend's truck while they drove around to pick up things for the party they were going to have that same night. After they picked everything up, he asked where I wanted to get dropped off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 879
You deserved it 27 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a feeling that only one side thought that this night was a date.


lol@#9.. no girls allowed except hookers...

Hmm, don't think he realized it was a "date"

Perhaps if you had offered to pull the whole train, you would have been invited.

This relationship obviously ended for a reason. Perhaps you should have remembered that reason prior to agreeing to this "date." While the entire situation is ******, you deserve it.

ex-boyfriend? date? did he know it was supposed to be a date?

mcsnelly 5

For all the people wondering why she'd be going on a date with her ex-boyfriend, maybe they had been considering getting back together! Maybe they thought they had worked out their problems and wanted to try dating again so they were going out on a "trial" date to see if they wanted to get back together! (I'm gonna guess that's a no now, though lol)

considering getting back together? trial date? if that was the case i don't think the guy would do this. obviously the guy doesn't want to get back together and did not feel the same way she does. she was sitting in the backseat of his friend's truck! if she calls that a date, then she's one easy girl! she calls it a date, but i'm pretty sure he called it "an ex tagging along on a party preparation shopping trip" op, you're reading way too much into this. it was not a date!

I think what the OP meant was that she had thought they planned a date, and was not aware she would be doing what she did. I think it knows the situation that she was in was not, in fact, a date.

i think she used "ex" to signify that she broke up with him afterwards

KayRox 0

Why would you go out with him anyway...He's your ex for a reason