By Anonycunt - 27/07/2013 16:30 - Germany - Bonn

Today, I went on a blind date that my friends set up. Not only did my date visibly recoil at the sight of me, she ended up trying to convince me that we're actually cousins. When I told her how absurd that was, she muttered, "Fuck it" and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 315
You deserved it 4 001

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TaniasaysFMLL 15

It's okay, OP. She doesn't deserve you! You'll find someone soon!(:

That's just low. Find someone better than her. Least your friends meant well.


Ellae_fml 7

maybe she is into incest and was setting up a scene? *yuck*

There are plenty of fish in the water.

graceinsheepwear 33

How nice that you are including fresh water and not just fish in the sea.

Be happy OP you don't want that in your kids gene pool

Lovely that she's so shallow and inconsiderate. You're better off. I say lucky you that you didn't have to find out later that she's a bitch. Besides beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't think I'm attractive but I've been married twice and get hit on fairly regularly.

friedbunnies 9

Next time, take the hint and move in.

Well, you can think of it this way, she is a horrible excuse for a human being and even Hitler would deserve better.

Sorry dude. Some girls just think that they're the best thing since sliced bread. I hate stuck up bitches like that

Baytheshark 14

You should have played along, see how far you could get her to go with it, before suddenly slamming your fists on the table, standing and grumbling, "**** this bitch," and leaving.

That would make him look like the bad guy...

evilonesdaughter 12