By crash - 22/05/2009 04:39 - United States

Today, I went dirtbiking. While I was going down a hill, I spun out of control and flipped over my handle bars. I now have a sprained arm, multiple bruises and a crescent-shaped gash on my neck that looks like I was bitten. People are asking if my boyfriend and I were being frisky last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 210
You deserved it 8 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is this a FML? If you dirtbike then you know the risks. Ending up with those kinds of injuries is par for the course surely? But yea, I'm with #1. Just tell them yes.


Blind_Ninja 0

I was riding one of my longboards down a hill one morning while buzzed and on my way to work and I bit it pretty hard. I have my trucks loose, so that I can turn better on that longboard, but that means I get speed wobble easily. While going down, I could feel I was about to be all kinds of ****** up, but hoped I could at least make it to wear the hill flattened out. I didn't make it. Lost control and nearly did a flip. My left elbow scrapes, my right arm scrapes, I make a hard impact on my right shoulder that looked like a cross between a burn and a gash, and then my head slams really hard into the asphault. Fun times.

And thats a bad thing because........?

heyyou1203 0

i mean, i see how it's FYL b/c if a guy came in w/ bruises no one would ask if his girl "roughed him up in bed." No one would assume that a woman can dirtbike. And besides, having that extensive of injuries should not be from rough sex....

suaveneanderthal 0

lol #45 you sure seem to have issues with guys and double standards don't you? and i don't know about anyone else on this site but if there isn't some hair pulling, a little biting and some scratches then it hasn't been rough sex. hey, and guess what else i would assume that women can dirt bike. and im a guy. so maybe you're the one being stereotypical?

They're still working on the "Who gives a shit?" button for FML aren't they?

There's lots of women who can dirtbike... Most motocross racing organizations have a Women's class. And at least you didn't do something more serious... I have a 6 inch staneless steel plate in my left arm due to a crash - now people call me a cyborg :( lol Your bf is lucky to have a gf who is part of such a kickass sport! #1 hit it on the head, say yes!

lol, I have had people ask me questions like that. Paintball you always seem to get hit in the neck and it looks likes someones been kissing your neck.

imbtrtenu 8

Thats nothing... The entire back part of my left leg has a scar from an engine burn.

That does suck. Because no matter if you tell them what really happened, they'll just be like, "Suuuuuure!"