By dntstopmenow - 14/03/2009 05:27 - United Kingdom

Today, I was writing a very important email to my college professor. I went upstairs for something and came back down to send it. I later asked him today why he hadn't responded to which he said "I'm flattered...but can't." My roommate had added "love you xxx" at the end of the email. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 315
You deserved it 7 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha, I've learned from FML to always double check my emails before I send them

Hahaha. You think that's bad, I know some friends who stuck "because jesus said so" in someone's report when the left their report open on their computer... Buddy never proofread that either.


That is hilarious but also mean. You're in college though, it won't be that hard for the professor to believe that your roommate pulled a prank on you so you should be able to explain your way out of it.

Wow... way to be a noob and not lock your computer when you leave it. You totally deserved that one.

hopefully ur a guy and shes a girl..or ur a girl and hes a guy..cuz otherwise DOUBLE AWKWARD

Laziness is it! you couldn't hit the send button before going upstairs?

well if it wasnt you, you'd laugh. it's really funny! haha! soo embarrassing for you but funny to everyone else. i had a point, it was supposed to make you feel better...i can't remember it now... oh well nevermind