By junior - 11/04/2010 08:11 - United States

Today, I was with my girlfriend, thinking we were alone in the house. Her little brother found us having sex on the couch, took a pic and said, "You are now both my slaves." He ran upstairs and locked his bedroom door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 274
You deserved it 46 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And what a smart little brother she has!! lol Blackmail is fun.

YDI, as you didn't check all around the house. Now, the kid is going to start a **** website, with your picture on the first page. Good Job!!! THREADJACKERS WELCOME


iamsupercreeped 0

you were owned by your little brother XD your brother is awesome though dude lol

That is one hell of an awesome little brother!

iDemonChild 0

P-P-P-PWNED How old was your little brother?

isitalie 0

he's probably masturbating to the picture

Just steal the film/mem card when he's asleep. Not that hard.

theshined 0

seen this same exact post a month or 2 ago

just give him hell ^^ after you've retrieved the pics.. you might wanna try get him into a situation like that guess who's going down to the gasstation at 1 AM to get some doritos and coke? ^^ seriously think about it and I'll not click YDI >_