By Shocked - 18/12/2009 04:25 - United States

Today, I was watching TV. During a very long commercial break, I found my brothers PSP charger next to me. Out of boredom I put my tongue on the end on the metal. Not only did it fry my tongue but found its way to my metal filling in my tooth. I now have a sore tongue and a throbbing toothache. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 185
You deserved it 80 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments


how on earth you thought of something that stupid to do...

at first all i could think was "godamn what a dumbass" and then i realized he was from texas & that explained everything

jts2 3

.. How ******* stupid are you? Seriously? This shit is why I lack the hope I once had for the human race.

No one in their right mind would ever do that.. Are you retarded? Seriously...YDI big time.

OP, make everyone a favor and do not procreate in the future. What a retard!

lesson learnt? electricity Tongue = :(