By crappygirlfriend - 10/01/2010 07:59 - United States

Today, I was trying to show my boyfriend how to shake my iPod to shuffle songs. When I went to shake it, it flew out of my hand and hit him in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 946
You deserved it 28 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why did you have to show him? you just shake it!!


frivolous 0

you're shaking an ipod, not giving a handjob.

paladininwaiting 1

I'll bet the song that came up was "I'll get even with you" from Megadeth

I dont think this is really an fml moment...It must have been pretty funny, I bet it will be something both of you can look back on and laugh at. =)

bds_fml 0

That's not really a FML situation...all you have to do is apologize. Unless he mercilessly beats you for doing things wrong.

this is actually hilarious. why not just hold the ipod tighter next time?

pipp360 0

You're just supposed to jiggle them a little bit. How hard did you shake it that it "flew" out of your hand?