By pissfaced - 02/01/2010 13:41 - New Zealand

Today, I was trying to see how far I could get away from the toilet while pissing. Instead I tripped over backwards and pissed all over my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 126
You deserved it 73 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

heyitsbrii 0

lmao!! that is like the funniest mental picture ever haha


infernofalcon 0
gregar00 1

ive tried that b4 but i pissed all over the floor not my face LOLz

vampires769 0

ewes dude. come on. common sense would tell you not to do that! :P

greendaygirl597 0

Wooooow. You're stupid. But thanks for the laugh though. LOL