By Anonymous - 13/09/2010 22:24 - United States

Today, I was telling my friend about how my boyfriend never does anything nice for me. Confused, she replied, "That's odd, he's always doing nice things for me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 196
You deserved it 4 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I get the feeling your friend isn't actually confused, but is trying to *nicely* point out that your boyfriend IS nice, and you're just ungrateful. This isn't really an FML except for the part where the OP is confused and spoiled.


glambert1998 0

sounds like you're the only one at fault op. don't be ungrateful.

Maybe it's different definitions of nice. Nice with respect to a friend is holding the door, lending money when you need, or offering a ride home when you have none. Nice things from a boyfriend are little love letters, small gifts (not saying diamonds and pearls, anything is nice, bought or made), and cute dates. Let's not jump to conclusions and say "OMFG HE WANTS TO BANG THE FRIEND!!!" There's a chance of that, but it isn't the only answer to why she said her comment.

thatonedame 6

time for a new boy and a new friend

zpryed 0

does that mean he us cheating on hwr

He is deffinitely cheating with her. DUMP him and SLAP her.

spanyardsneedlea 0

to win him back. either be nicer or just give him a bj