By cc - 24/11/2009 05:03 - United States

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend about how I'm self conscious about my weight. He looks at me and says, "Don't worry babe, I've always been kind of a chubby chaser." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 475
You deserved it 7 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh god, your boyfriend finds you attractive? That's terrible.

YDI for fishing for complements and wanting your boyfriend to say "you are really thin" , but you know you are FAT.


waterynuggets 0

I hate when people fish for compliments expecting to be told they look like something they are not. And so what if you're chubby? If it bothers you, then work out. There is nothing wrong with having a little weight on you, plus your boyfriend finds you attractive.

Geeez, what's up with you people and all this BS about 'fishing for compliments'? She's self conscious about her weight, that happens. It's a good thing she talked to someone about it!

faxe 0

I'd like to post an fml on how many times I have read these 'fishing for compliments' fmls.

What the hell? You're chubby. Your boyfriend finds that hot. You whine. God dammit, humans are degenerate bastards.

jts2 3

This. Edit: Crap, meant for this to be a reply to Fop.

so you were fishing for compliments and he didnt say the exact perfect thing you were trying to tell him telepathically? get over it, when your in a relationship with someone you should expect to hear the truth. if i say that im getting chunky my boyfriend says "well go to the gym" and i dont get all butthurt and post on FML, because i know hes only saying it for my best. and keep in mind that your boyfriend said he LIKED your weight, its not like he said your a disgusting fatty or something.

perdix 29

Otherwise known as a plumpa humpa!

C'mon, chubby girls are the cutest! Slim like a match is ugly, and round like a watermelon is ugly too, but in the middle, WOOHOO!! You should be happy, a friend of mine always eat like a f*cking pig but gains absolutly no weight, and she's really desperate because she wants to gain some pounds. My call, don't lose too much weight, because only sex-addicts want girls as slim as in the magazines.

Sex addicts will take whatever they can get

@ Blacksnake: Only sex addicts like really slim girls? REALLY? So, no one can have a taste differing from yours on a matter that is strictly opinion without having a real problem. Yep, makes absolute sense. -_- Also, what on Earth does being a sex addict have to do with your view on beauty? I mean, I may be able to understand if you said, "Only a sex addict likes girls with huge fake **** and bleached blonde hair," but your actual comment was just dumb.

driedpeaches 0

you're a dumb ass, sex addicts wouldn't actually care. But studies have found that fat chicks have more sex (maybe it's because they aren't as picky) and skinny ones tend to wear out faster.

mj2123 0

Or maybe it's because girls who don't look like models aren't stuck up bitches and actually have good personalities in addition to being more attractive than they probably realize.