By no sir I have not - 08/03/2013 00:35 - United States

Today, I was taking a patient's blood pressure, and listening for his pulse with my stethoscope. I couldn't hear anything, so I adjusted the cuff and tried again. Still no pulse. He pointed out that my stethoscope was the wrong way around and sneered, "You been smokin' the reefer, boy?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 353
You deserved it 36 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you had to have your patient teach you how to do your job, maybe this is not the right field for you.

Well, that kind of thing happens to everyone... Although I would be slightly worried if I was your patient.


TrinityisLife 22

LOL, I have a patient that's always saying he's just gonna skip his meds, smoke weed, and drink tequila until he dies. He comes in dressed as a hippie complete with the beard and glasses. Maybe we should get him to wait on your patient :P

It could be worse, OP. Your patient could have perfectly imitated Donald Duck's voice, and called you a quack.

wow. that's what years of med school paid for

CharresBarkrey 15

I'd be willing to bet OP is a Medical Assistant or a nurse. Doctors rarely take BP themselves.

Am I the only one that scrolled through the comments to see if DocBastard wrote anything?

The negative side affects of medical marujana everybody (pitch perfect)

icefshng8 9

Isn't this exact scenario in a movie?

I am still waiting for the ops answer. Better to say you are high than stupid.

Anyone here instantly think of DocBastard before reading the user?

Littering and...littering and...littering and *SMOKIN THE REEFER*