By Crashed - 01/01/2014 18:21 - United States - Evans

Today, I was T-boned at an intersection. My wife got pissed when I didn't immediately check on her, but rather the other driver. That other driver was my daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 468
You deserved it 5 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL OP. You were just using your natural parental instincts, although it sounds like your wife has none.

Gee OP. That's gotta be rough. I just hope for the sake of your family that everyone is ok and not hurt. Hopefully your wife will get over it.


Parental instinct vs. responsibility as driver and husband: instinct won. Hope you're all ok.

PainOfDemise 11
jefrey 9

well guys, NOTICE he says my daughter, didn't say our daughter..

I'm surprised she wasn't as equally concerned about your daughter. Don't let her get to you, you're a good parent.

Snoopy1 3

Your a good dad for checking on your daughter first I wish my dad would do that for me

Hopefully u don't have to pay for both insurance claims

You are a good dad and your wife is a bitch.

thatKellykid 12

Ohhh wow. Hope everyone was ok. You did the right thing.