By yeastly - 09/07/2012 19:54 - United States - Amery

Today, I was sitting the living room, when my mom commented on the smell of garlic in the air. After ten minutes of searching for the source, she gave up. I was too embarrassed to admit that I'd tried using garlic to cure my yeast infection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 976
You deserved it 33 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HairyPunisher 27

I wonder if Bella did that. It would explain why Edward Cullen avoided sex with her for so long.

perdix 29

Put some flour and some butter in your pants. It won't cure anything, but garlic bread you'll make will be delicious!


Really? Ydi for not just going to the doctor, that's disgusting and probably not very hygienic.

Vero2410 0

So you didn't shower after using the garlic. That's nasty

chey296927413 3

Eat yogurt! It restores the natural flora your body needs!

It's called Monistat 7... If your mom loves you, she'll buy it for you.

One thing to ask, got any cheese togo with that garlic? I'm hungry

Monistat, it's available over the counter. Better yet, visit a local clinic and have a pap smear. You are cruising for an infection.

That must have been a lot of garlic you were eating. Oh wait, you used it as an ointment?