By ohcrap - 02/06/2011 10:05 - United States

Today, I was shopping for clothes. I thought this guy was a mannequin because he was standing perfectly still. I poked him and he screamed like a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 249
You deserved it 36 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you would normally feel the need to poke random manakins...


I have done the same thing but I almost got socked in the face.

chloe2114 4

'cos that's not stalker-ish at all...

why were you pokeing the maniken any way

y in the right mind would u want 2 poke a mannequin thats just dirty

I did that at universal studios once and he chased me for a good ten minutes haha

junebug33 0

why would you even poke a mannequin?

cutebella227 0

I have done that before but I didn't poke him I was look at something and then I saw something I wanted an I thought there was a maniken stand there but then the guy moved and I jumped and screamed and ran out the store.

that sucks!! Haha! FYL. but I do hate it when people say, "screamed like a girl".

xandra12791 8

lol. this really made my day. XD