By luciaspiano - 05/02/2010 00:47 - United States

Today, I was riding a bus. After having a conversation with my friend, I looked down and saw a little boy looking at me. He asked, "Are you a boy or a girl?" As if that wasn't bad enough, when I responded that I was a girl, he said, "Oh. So, why do you have a boy voice then?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 286
You deserved it 3 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have told him it was your punishment for eating little kid's souls and then bite in his direction.

Punch him in the face and ask why he cries like a girl.


Meh. I work a drive-thru (oh boy, I know) and get called "sir" fairly often when I'm taking orders. Not the end of the world. Little kids don't have a filter for saying socially unacceptable things. I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt your feelings - just an innocent query.

perdix 29

Actually, women have boy voices. The voice of Bart Simpson is a woman. If he had said she had a man's voice, that would be creepy. Imagine trying to screw a woman who had Chuck Norris's voice, a voice that would deliver a roundhouse kick to your nuts!


#21-- now that was hysterical !!

=o! Same thing happened to me at a party last year!!

Kids ask me this all the time! Get over it!

you probably just have a raspy voice, which is sexy

loveflys2011 0

don't worry about it; I am a girl and I have a guys voice. it's actually sometimes a good thing. I have been offered at job at the radio station for having such a strong voice for a female. look at the bright side of life :)

Flutist 3

Just get into the habit of talking high or lower.