By Anonymous - 27/04/2009 06:24 - United States

Today, I was pulled over by a police officer for speeding. After writing the ticket, he asked me why I was wearing a surgical mask. I told him that swine flu was found in our area and I was scared. He thought that I was insulting him and wrote me another ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 307
You deserved it 16 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing you actually said "pig flu", not "swine flu", didn't you?

Hilarious. I know a guy who has believed for over three years now that bird flu will bring the end of the world. Soon as I saw the news I sent him a message saying OMG - flu outbreak and this one's got ur name on it!


How the hell did the cop even infer any kind of insult in "I'm scared of swine flu" ?? Definitely contest the second ticket. Cops can't give you a ticket for being insulting unless you made a clear, aggressive verbal attack using hateful langauge. Things like that are why I can't stand cops. So many of them just love going on power trips. #92, #96, and the rest of you who think swine flu in the US is stupid - It's not. There are cases of the flu reported in the US, including places like New York City. Just because it's unlikely for the flu to have originated in the US doesn't mean that it can't be spread by people who traveled from Mexico, etc and then brought the flu with them to the US.

Just so you guys know the whole reason people wear surgical masks is so you can't touch your mouth/nose after you've come into contact with a virus. Obviously it's not going to stop a virus from going through. It's like chicken wire to a virus...they have no problem getting through. Anyway, that cop is a jerk and you should definitely fight that ticket. I hate it when cops abuse their power like that.

Hahaha FYL cause that was one stupid cop, YDI for being a germaphone.

Gotta love uninformed panics. He's not a germaphobe, just an idiot.

fuckmylifedude 0

wow. sucks for you. im freaked out about it too cause its in my neighborhood, but im not gonna wear a mask. i just wash my hands. hahah you rock dude.

thats sad did u offend him if ur trying to protect urself from getting that flu that could kill u like my freinds dad is in the hospital cuz he has it so that officer is messed up ok but that is funny LMAO

Zgirl 0

Bwahahaha! I can totally see this happening. Yeah, everyone who works here at the computer lab is wearing a surgical mask now, I think they're required too. You probably live near one of the outbreaks, like I do. It's actually a very prudent precaution. Wow, has that cop been living under a rock or what? But if it wasn't for the swine flu situation then that actually would have been a pretty clever insult... ^_^ But yeah, FYL for sure!

Surgical masks only protect you for like 15 minutes...

dg72592_fml 0

for everyone asking what he could be ticketed for... disorderly conduct. works for everything.

gertrude7 9

You should definitely fight the ticket, that's just ridiculous!