By Username - 06/04/2011 03:26

Today, I was prescribed anti-anxiety medication due to the high level of stress that I experience at my job. Unfortunately, I cannot afford the medication because I do not make enough money at said job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 674
You deserved it 4 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

briidontgive_ 0

I hope you been nice to your friends, because its time to borrow.


the first half of the fml is like Wanted

Get a new job... go somewhere to relax... you don't need anti-anxiety pills, that's just the easy way out with side effects. I get a lot of stress to, everyone get's stress... give some of your load to someone else.

Weed does not solve all of life's problems and may not be a quick fix to her issue. :/

Stormied 0

I work in healthcare and do not have health insurance through my employer.

Me654 0

to all those who are talking about healthcare. Why should people have to pay for other people's health-care? Not only is it stealing money from people that have worked hard to get healthcare their whole lives, it promotes laziness in those who can't afford it. I for one believe in personal responsibility and that you have to work with the cards your dealt with. I like many others with well paying jobs donate money to the less fortunate, and would rather have that be my choice then the governments. I'm not trying to offend but that's my view.

Sophie_Sovereign 6

You see I think otherwise. My Grandmother has gone through three treatments of different cancers, my Grandfather has had to have heart bypass surgery, My other grandma a hip replacement, and my other Grandfather treatment for a potentially fatal heart disease. If it weren't for the NHS that would never have been possible for them seeing as none of them are well off, and so I am eternally grateful to the NHS. And yes, there is the argument that you shouldn't have to pay for somebody else etc etc but in the grand scheme of things I can't help but feel that that is selfish. I have no objection to paying a tax for healthcare that I don't use too frequently when I know that as a result, we have a system in which EVERYBODY can get the help they need. That is just my way of looking at it, and I respect your opinion.

hollywoodjjd 0

a little deep for fml don't you think?

go to the company's site that makes it and contact them and explain you situation. to them most company's have a plan you can go on I'm on the same kind of meds but I'm out of a Job and I have no medical at all so my shrink told me to do that I'm now getting free meds

Me654 0

Why should people have to pay for other people's health-care? Not only is it stealing money from people that have worked hard to get healthcare their whole lives, it promotes laziness in those who can't afford it. I for one believe in personal responsibility and that you have to work with the cards your dealt with. I like many others with well paying jobs donate money to the less fortunate, and would rather have that be my choice then the governments. I'm not trying to offend but that's my perspective.