By peepeepainter - 07/01/2014 02:25 - United States - Jasper

Today, I was painting cabinets for the children's area in my church. While painting, I dropped my brush and got black paint on a white part. I tried to wipe it off. Now there's a very visible smudge that looks like a penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 334
You deserved it 8 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh that stinks... I hope you can paint over it with white!

Quick! paint everything black and claim you were influenced by the Rolling Stones


Time to do a little creative decorating over that spot :)

RedPillSucks 31

Leave it as is. If someone points out that it looks like a penis, simply rage at them that their mind is in the gutter and they shouldn't be thinking about stuff like that in church, and they're going to hell. See how long it takes the next person to get the nerve to say something.

Your first mistake is being a part of a church. The rest is just funny.

Leave it and see what the kids think it is ;)

.....In the eye of the beholder, or paint what you know!