By awk1 - 18/06/2013 00:55 - United States - Glennville

Today, I was packing up my stuff about to go home. I shut off my MacBook but was still pretending to work for the last few minutes, typing on the keyboard. A good way through, I realized my co-worker sitting across from me could see that the Apple logo was off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 226
You deserved it 47 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're not going to work, why not just mess around online rather than faking work on an off computer?

Why fake working for the last few minutes? Finish strong!


Bahaha those moments in life where your like, "oh shit, did they see that!!!"

...Awkward. I don't understand why you didn't just leave it on for the last few minutes.

graceinsheepwear 33

Gotta be careful at don't know whether a co-worker has got your back or is waiting to stab you in it.

...or if they are just waiting until the Xmas party when they get you drink and force you to Xerox multiple pictures of both your ass and boobs.... Wait. Is that just me?

graceinsheepwear 33

I'm thinking just

Damn. Must avoid all Xerox machines. They are evil. ;)

Dodge4x4Ram 46

This my friends, is why we don't buy Macs.

And a long list of many other reasons, starting with overpriced, incompatible and so on..

Made by Satan was my reason but I'm glad others came up with alternative ones

A 4 function calculator is more advanced and user friendly than a mac.

This reminds me of Junior High - High School days. Class doesn't end till 5 minutes later but everybody is already packing their backpacks and ready to charge out the door.

I'm pretty sure you can turn that feature off anyway...

you can't it's the other side of the CCFL back-light afaik.

Is this really worthy of this site? Really?