By Anonymous - 27/03/2009 13:05 - Austria

Today, I was outside searching for "treasures" with my son using small plastic shovels. All of a sudden he starts screaming. He dug up the bones of our old dog. I told him that we had sent him away to live on a farm, I even helped my son write letters to the farm owners. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 005
You deserved it 93 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps you should have buried the dog further down... he must've been awfully close to the surface if your son was able to reach the bones with a plastic shovel.

And this is why we shouldn't lie to our kids about dumb stuff. They can handle the truth.


holynemesis1208 3

YDI for being a moron and a terrible parent. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? I think your child should be taken away from you pending a psychological evaluation of you. You are clearing not mentally stable, and should not be allowed to raise a child.

legitasaurusrex 0

hahahahaha you're so STUPID.

what?! a father lied to his son?! take his son away from him!!!! he's insane!!!!

wowfmlife 0

#22 WTF? All parents tell lies to their kids! This one was probably 4 or 5 and wouldnt be able to handle his dog dying. When he's older he'll obviously find out but telling a white lie to a kid is no reason for a mental evaluation

I know it must suck being humiliated on the internet and having people comment on what a dumbass you are, but...DUMBASS!

#22 so you wouldnt lie to your 3 yr old if they asked if santa was real? thats just mean. all parents lie to their kids about something during their life. it doesn't make them a horrible parent.

I was told Santa wasn't real at 1 1/2. of corse, I'm jewish so...

That's what you get for telling your kid such an obvious lie. He was going to find out eventually, and of course he was going to be pissed when he found out you lied to him so long, so it's probably for the better that he finds out now.

22's gone a bit far. All parents lie to the kids about something. Just to make things easier for them. he would've found out sooner or later, hopefully you'll be able to distract him with other things

Genius, most child psychological authorities agree that the death of a pet is an ideal opportunity to explain death in a nonthreatening way to a child, since even though there is an emotional attachment to pets it's less than a human attachment. You did your son a huge disservice by lying to him, especially such an involved lie. And PS, plastic shovels? WTF, I agree with most of the other posters, are you really too lazy to even bury the thing a two feet down?

If the dog was reduced to bones by the time they found it, it had obviously been there for a while, they probably forget the exact spot. Although I'm kind of with everyone else about the body being so close to the surface. That's kind of creepy. And all parents lie to their kids at one time or another. Let the kid stay blissfully ignorant about death until they are a little older or a family member dies.