By gmarina789 - 27/01/2011 11:28 - United Kingdom

Today, I was out with my boyfriend, and I had an epileptic fit. He had never seen me have one, and it freaked him out. He rang me later to dump me, as he didn't want to go out with someone who acted like a 'spaz' in public. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 502
You deserved it 4 222

gmarina789 tells us more.

Hey guys, thanks for posting all your comments, I have read them all. Firstly i'd like to say that epilepsy is a condition that can't be helped, so i'm kind of stuck with it and its not necessarily genetic. I am proud of who I am and I wouldn't change who I am even if I could. Secondly, I did tell my ex that I had epilepsy, I told him straight away so he was aware of my condition; to not tell him would have been unfair. Thirdly thanks to all the people who understand what its like and have written messages of support, I really appreciate it. To those who have written 'negative' comments, you are entitled to your own opinion, just don't share it with me. Being called a 'spaz' or saying that 'i'm sick' or 'not normal' is uncalled for. I'm currently studying Medicine at Birmingham Uni to try and help those like me, and all i'm going to say is how ironic would it be if one of you who have said i'm 'not normal' came into a hospital where I was working and I saved your life...I guess you wouldn't be saying stuff then. Again, thanks for all the positive comments :)


michi2012 0

God! I hate people who say stuff like that! I have epilepsy, and mine is genetic and I'm also stuck with it for life. But I don't let it get me down. Anyway! I have permission to kick his ass, right?

Heyballard 0

Ah, man that's ****** up. Like, SERIOUSLY ****** up. You need a hug? 'Cause I'll travel to wherever you are just to give you one...

It's also a little like 4356105. These men are ****** up.

My app keeps not replying to the comments I want it to.

Atishuh 0

Dear OP, Please oh please give me his address. I'll bring a bat and a electrocuter chair. I'll show him what a real seizure feels like. -.-'' Sincerely, The girl who kicks guys like your ex-boyfriends asses. :) P.S All you ******* assholes who says 'ydi spaz', 'haha spaz', 'he didn't want kids like you' and 'ydi for not telling him' SHE DID TELL HIM. **** YOU PEOPLE. Until you can feel what epilepsy diagnosed people go through, STFU AND GTFO. No one wants to hear you peoples crap! I don't have epilepsy nor know anyone with it, but I'm willing to stand up for them. They are regular people too. But you people who are saying all this bullshit, aren't. You CREATURES obviously DO NOT have hearts. I wish you the best, and true love O.P :)

What a douche! He doesn't deserve you :P

Nemle22 4

I do feel for you. To have to go through that in your life is tough. However, you're the one going through with it so it's something you're more familiar with. As you admitted, he had never seen it before so it's clear by the way he reacted that he's NOT familiar. Just because he panics, doesn't know what to do, or gets freaked out...doesn't mean he's an idiot, a jerk or anything else these trolls say. It just means he's not familiar with it and isn't comfortable around it. He can't handle that type of situation. That doesn't make him a bad guy. Be happy that he was smart enough to recognize the fact he couldn't handle it and ended the relationship now instead of at a later time when you do it again and end up putting him in a life defining situation that could affect you. He's not ready for that and do you want to put that kind of trust in someone who isn't ready for it? No. As far as him saying "spaz", I don't know the context so I can't judge. Some people use incorrect/harmful words due to simple ignorance and not always to insult.

You make some very valid points, and have made me see 'the other side of the story' so thank you. I have talked to him about it and we are now friends so all is good :)