By Carrie - 03/03/2010 13:21 - United States

Today, I was on a date with a guy I met online. After 30 minutes, he abruptly stands up and says he has to leave. He practically ran out of Starbucks to get away from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 219
You deserved it 6 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

His Polyjuice Potion started to wear off. Odd, it should've lasted for an hour.

Finoewae 0

He probably had diarrhea from the coffee. Don't be so quick to judge.


EveryDayJackAss 0

Lol, him running made it soooo funny

mondayna 3

well u must have been some girl

maybe he was a spy and the date was a cover for for some secret sting opp

ZombieKitteh 8

maybe he had to drop some friends off at the pool

rarr 0

In online dating... no one wins

It's ok....At least you know that he wasn't worth your time

That's awful OP, I'm sorry. At least you didn't have to waste a lot of time on him! On to the next one