By Furzball - 27/05/2016 06:19 - United States - Wildomar

Today, I was mowing my lawn and it had a dry looking dog turd. I figured I'd be able to mow it easily into the grass bag as dust. Instead, it still had enough moisture to splatter into clumps. Including a couple that went up my left nostril. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 260
You deserved it 13 478

Furzball tells us more.

Furzball 5

Hey OP here. So yeah, I do agree it was a lazy stupid decision to go over that turd. Lesson definitely learned. As to YLS and YDI I think it's funny the two are running almost even. Although I mostly figured I'd share with you all for the grossout laugh.

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I mean, when you make the conscious decision to mow a dog shit, you kinda deserve it.

This is one of those moments you're glad you can vote both FYL and YDI at the same time.


Furzball 5

Hey OP here. So yeah, I do agree it was a lazy stupid decision to go over that turd. Lesson definitely learned. As to YLS and YDI I think it's funny the two are running almost even. Although I mostly figured I'd share with you all for the grossout laugh.

FalloutScrolls 25

Life lesson learned. If something is only going to take 10 seconds to clean up, just clean the damned thing up!

More than 5 seconds unless OP already had gloves, paper towel or tissue, and a little bag. I don't know anyone insane or not right in the head enough to pick it up bare handed. Nor waste the time to stop, go get supplies, walk back, pick it up, walk back, toss everything, walk back, and finish the lawn. Until the find another turd and repeat. Waste of time especially in the heat. We've never had more than one or two small dogs so we leave the turds out as fertilizer. It all goes back into the soil eventually. That's how cow crap works. It's natural and saves time.

You don't have these problems when got have a riding lawnmower lol

Poop dries on the outside first. I know bc I stepped in day old cow dung

I learned that lesson at an early age, walking barefoot through my grandpa's pasture. It's kinda like Russian Roulette trying to figure out which ones you can safely step on and which you can't.

Well kids, today we learned not to judge a book by it's cover

Bruh, I feel so bad for you lmao. I almost threw up just reading this

That's when you grab gardening gloves, a pair of toothpicks and a piece of plastic, kneel down, inhale the scent (maybe dare a swipe of the tongue) to determine the breed and diet, dissect the turd with the toothpicks and transfer it to the plastic. Then, you investigate the neighborhood, question suspects with the evidence (push their snout in the turd) and take action. Until then, you obviously don't mow the lawn before completely sure of the turd's how, when and who.

I did the same thing with a weed wacker. Except it was a dead rat.