By meglast - 29/08/2016 16:48 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I was motivated enough to run on the treadmill for the first time in a long time. The movement knocked my downstairs neighbor's ceiling fan down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 503
You deserved it 1 446

meglast tells us more.

OP here. It was inconsiderate of me to use the treadmill in an upstairs apartment. Mine isn't very loud and I know the neighbor wasn't asleep, but I still should have thought of the noise. I was very embarrassed, but it is being taken care of and they weren't upset. They just asked me to move the treadmill to another room. I am a small woman-114lbs- I just thought it was funny imagining that I made the whole building shake.

Top comments

I'm sure your downstairs neighbors aren't fans of your new exercising.

I'm glad you agree that it may be a tad noisy, as opposed to the people saying "don't want to live below stomping, buy a house!" It would definitely shock me if I caused the building to break too!


Somewhere, there is a tree tirelessly producing oxygen for you to breathe. I think you owe that tree an apology.

oxomocchioxo 9