By Octobre - 07/03/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, I was massively hungover and driving home. I had a strong suspicion that I was gonna ralph so I was smart and pulled over. I emptied the contents of my stomach into a shopping bag and was proud I didn't make a mess all over the car. Seconds later, the bottom of the bag gave out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 615
You deserved it 28 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you do it in a bag that was in your car? You pulled over, throw up outside of your car.

why were you even driving while you were heavily hungover in the first place? didn't you take drivers ed??? #1 rule: don't drive when you're drunk/hungover, dummy!!


DianaElise10 0

lol that's what I was thinking

You deserve it for driving drunk; you could have killed people. No; you were never smart.

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't read the story in detail. It says hangover, not drunk. Sorry!! Don't thumb me down please!!! Hahaha!

You stupid idiot. Please do us all a favor and kill yourself. Or at least correct your illegal behavior before you kill somebody else because of your dumb and ridiculously easily avoidable drunk driving. Though I guess it wouldn't be "easy" for your dim-witted brain.

Why would you keep the bag , could of gotten rid of it

You weren't smart in the first place if you were driving hungover...