By Anonymous - 18/09/2011 21:24 - United States

Today, I was kicked in the crotch. The girl who did it thought I was her ex-boyfriend. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 376
You deserved it 4 436

Same thing different taste


Glitterhinoceros 14
RebekahBrooke 9

lol. first original one I've seen

Brooding99 15

Reason 159 that "pixie cuts" don't work dude.

Oooo. Well I think that on this situation you should be grateful you're not a man.

That's my purse! I don't know you! There's a reference behind that, so don't assume its a non-sequitor and thumb me down for it.

If she didn't realize it wasn't her boyfriend after she touched your crotch, then feel bad for her for only getting guys with atomic penises. You can't blame her for being so angry.

You can blame some idiot for attacking the wrong person.

Gloritank 8

I was wondering how this could happen. Then I saw it was from Texas :) question answered.

I hate how aggressive people are, especially when it ends up being towards the wrong person.

boredblonde 17