By CollegeKid - 22/01/2017 22:00

Today, I was in the hospital for 12 hours with unbearable stomach pain. Apparently I have a horrible infection in my intestines and colon. My mom is now accusing me of having anal sex and allowing a man to ejaculate into my bum. My great-grandma believes her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 550
You deserved it 736

Same thing different taste

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Anyone else wish the FML app would go back to the way it was before, without the horrible ads, crashing and comment problems?

TabooSushi 24

Because there is no other possible way for you to have gotten that infection, apparently... Geez, is your family highly religious, or just crazy? Cause that just sounds batcrap crazy.


How did she even come to this conclusion!!!

are your mom and grandma crazy?? that isn't something that happens when you have anal sex

Are you even gay? Your mother sounds like a complete idiot.

Yo maybe I'm just new to this, but can one get that I'll from a man ejaculating inside a woman during anal?