By starboy - 10/03/2012 06:50 - United States

Today, I was humming the Star Wars theme song while on the bus. When my stop came I walked down the aisle only to hear a girl mutter, "The virginity is strong in this one." She's right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 203
You deserved it 20 168

Same thing different taste


Snafuusmc 12

Nothing wrong with being a virgin.

I would have replied with "Change that, you may."

Lemonkiss 0

It's ok OP :P I used to yell out the Imperial March song in loud "BBUM BUM BUM BUM BA DUM BUM DA DUMMM"s when I was younger :0 Also I'm a girl >.> I didn't get a date until I was 18 after I had my "hot summer" and lost my braces and 15 pounds. XD

Am I the only one who doesn't think is awesome and would be very inclined to back-hand some tardmonger humming on a bus?