By wtf is a naruto?! - 27/07/2019 09:00 - United States - Hesperia

Today, I was helping my cousin plan her backyard wedding. I requested September 19-21 off for visiting and festivities. My asshole of a boss is refusing, because of some proposed Area 51 invasion. I have no idea what he’s talking about, and I’m afraid I might miss the wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 954
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bl3ur0z3 17

Storm area 51 on September 20th!....... You might want to get somebody he trusts to help him realize the whole thing is a joke. Or tell him you need the time off to storm yourself.

childlessmother 16

Call off. And Area 51 invasion is a bunch of idiots who want to invade on September 20


bl3ur0z3 17

Storm area 51 on September 20th!....... You might want to get somebody he trusts to help him realize the whole thing is a joke. Or tell him you need the time off to storm yourself.

PenguinPal3017 19

I think the boss thinks that he wants the days off to storm Area 51 and that's why he said no.

That's why I make it a rule to say "I will be unavailable x dates" and tell them ahead of time. Don't make it sound like there's any chance that you will come in or be able to come in during that time. Finding someone to switch is good too so you're covered.

Sounds like that’s what OP did. Bosses still have the right to say no, you can’t be gone those dates, take your vacation some other time.

Some jobs, it doesn’t matter. In news, you could be called in from your vacation if it was a big enough story. Even funerals aren’t safe. You know this when you sign up. You just hope it doesn’t happen during your time off.

Don't know about the United States where OP is but in Australia the Boss does NOT have a right to say no unless they have a legitimate reason and the boss going to an Area 51 Raid or not believing OP has a wedding to attend is not a legitimate reason. In fact you don't even have to tell the boss why your taking time off.

childlessmother 16

Call off. And Area 51 invasion is a bunch of idiots who want to invade on September 20

Wadlaen 23

Well if there's actually going to be an area 51 invasion that day, you might be thankful...😮

Tell him why you want those days off?

It’s the autumnal equinox. Heavy shit goes down then, beware!

Its a bunch of people joking that they are gonna storm Area 51. personally I think some fucktard will actually try it and get their dumbass shot...I hope I get to see the video.

toodamntall 9

Ask him again, but this time show him the wedding invitation as proof.

Does he want to go, and take you with him, have you cover while he's gone, or is he trying to make you go in his stead? Whatever it is, tell him to **** himself, and go to the wedding.