By Drafrica - 13/10/2014 10:20 - South Africa

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend in the missionary position. Once again, our cat decided to crawl onto his back and stare at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 726
You deserved it 5 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yeyeboys 20

I guess your boyfriend was getting two ******* at once.

Maybe you should keep the door shut so your cat cant get in


Ahh! This kind of funny situation interruption in your sex... i think your cat won't stop bothering your sex life.. lol best of luck

oh god, I've had this happen too OP, it's not as unusual for cats to do as one would expect. When it happened to me, my husband and I had to stop because I was laughing so hard, the cat had full on lied down and snuggled up on his back. (she was notoriously good at getting comfortable in awkward positions)

mzgabbster 28

I'm shocked at how many people allow their pets to be in the same room when they're having sex.

RedPillSucks 31

Having what? Did the cat interrupt you while you were typing and having sex?

Damn, that sucks. Keep the cat out of the room, and keep your door closed. (:

Animals get super fascinated in humans having sex lol

You may need to shake it up a bit. Try upside down and on your head. The cat will be confused and walk awAy

tbone83 2

At least you're not in west Africa, the situation could have been a lot worse.

Just give the cat some Cat nip and he will leave u alone trust me lol true story

A three way!! Lucky guy!! Or is it licky guy?