By dizzlewizzle - 06/03/2009 02:29 - United States

Today, I was getting restless in my psychology class. I stretched out both of my arms and hands into the aisles on either side of me, only to find myself with my teacher's package in my palm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 161
You deserved it 11 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol! Should have said "Sorry teacher. Just thought I would give you a hand with the lesson".

acrho 0

Sooo...are you getting an A+ now?


may_cause_fail 0
JeanNe91 0

OMG OMG OMG that happened to me too!!!!

eeew i would have screamed and ran to the bathroom

#8... why? Is it REALLY less awkward either way?

Chura 0

.. i kind of did the same thing my freshman year of high school .. i was passing a handout to the person sitting next to me right at the same time my teacher was walking up the aisle... i hit him with the back of my hand...

ams_fml 0

awwwwww i'm taking psychology! but i have a girl teacher so that would never happen....