By SG - 24/03/2012 12:14 - United States

Today, I was fooling around with my husband on the bed. I was excited as he lifted my arms up in a seductive way, only to roll deodorant under my armpits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 421
You deserved it 37 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ChubbyNicki 6

Well why weren't you wearing it any...? :c i doubt he did anything so horrible that you had to punish him with your B.O.

Smelly cat, smelly cat what are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly cat It's not your fault! (except it is your fault)

That'd be hilarious if it was in a movie but in real life it's pretty disrespectful of him not to bother communicating.

That's ******* awesome if ur a girl that listens to ofwgkta

babykillaseason 0

**** oddfuture, if you want to hear some real hardcore shit listen to brotha lynch hung, that ****** would tear each of them 15 new assholes and eat their family, thats it i am done now.

Perhaps take showers more often? And maybe applying your own deodorant would help. I'm kind of obsessive compulsive when it comes to deodorant, I put it on a few times a day because it DOES wear off.

vol4life 6

I agree I like every comment I see because of the dog.