By sorry, kiddo - 30/06/2013 21:44 - Belgium - Brussels

Today, I was explaining to my son that porn isn't a realistic depiction of sex. Just as I finished explaining to him that threesomes rarely happen in real life, he started crying. I feel like a dream-crushing monster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 454
You deserved it 10 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

relaxedninja 18

What do you mean they rarely happen!!??! D:

ballettillidie 8

They rarely happen in YOUR world...


sugarbaby9908 20

At least he has high hopes

Don't feel bad. He needs to know so he doesn't put unrealistic expectations on a girl and creating problems in his relationships.

Why were you talking to your son about that in the firat place...

Yes, because its weird for a parent to give their child the sex talk. He probably walked in on him watching ****

QueenOrangeSoda 21

Because it's crucial for teens to know. It regards establishing a healthy, realistic view of sex and what to expect, and goes right along with the safe sex talk.

False!! I'm a girl. I live with my boyfriend and girlfriend. We are a faithful poly traid, and we have 3somes DAILY. :)

He didn't say they never happen, he said rarely, and I have a feeling you posted this comment for attention.

QueenOrangeSoda 21

Exactly. And the fact that you mentioned your (irrelevant) gender just proves it more.

Umm maybe in your life they rarely happen but they happen in my life.. And I'm even married :-P

The fact that he started crying tells me that he is not only (probably) too young to be watching **** (much less having sex) but he's also not mature enough mentally/emotionally to be attempting such things.

They happen a lot I have had three. Though now I have 2 kids. Different moms.

ohnobitch 8

Jeezus luweezus how old is this kid